Gabe is short for Gabriel

Age 31, Male


Somewhere In Brazil

Joined on 8/21/07

Exp Points:
38,477 / 38,640
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9.99 votes
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Guess who got defrozen For another Annual Madness Day Upload....yeah about that...

This one in particular i haven't done much on my end, instead i joined a bunch of collabs, i do believe this kind of interaction is crucial to strengthen bond with the community and also to deny rumors that i im unreachable by any means, im a human being like any other, if you DM me with a question or maybe with a collab invitation...maybe i might answer (no promises)

But fear not, i didn't came here empty handed, here are some of the works i helped with:


This is by far the collab with the best quality control i ever worked on, all people involved have put heart and soul in it and i do recommend it to watch every single second of it.

Madness Amalgamation Collab 3

it was a last minute invitation, and despite all internal complications i manage to brainstorm some ideas and muster what's left of my motivation to come up with something watchable.

The insane creativity of the Madness community (Madness Flashlight: Part 2)

back in 2021 2 Left Thumbs asked me for an interview regarding the madness community as a whole, and i happily answered, it feels heartwarming to see the community doing great after all these years with ups and downs.


this post will be updated for when each of the projects gets released

For Mid/Late October:


I haven't come up with a title yet, this one was originally a collab entry that i started back 2020 but i got carried away by a caffeine overload and animated a full movie instead (total lenght of 5 minutes) the collab itself got shelved and reshelved over and over and the commitment of the members wasn't aligned, so i finally grew up a pair and decided to make this thing finally see the light of the day, it was too much of an effort to let it go to waste.

Hackerman Collab

this one got big names involved which i already worked in the past, and im most grateful to have been invited, thanks kokkare, the collab is set to be finished late this year

PROJECT Felony 2


Shadz64  Didn't gave me an exact release date but i hope it will come out soon, this collab's chaotic nature is almost resembling the Soldier Dispenser Collab in plot and in direction which it where my creative freedom trully shined, and im anxious to see it done.

ROZ 13

Kryy got me at gun point, so i better start working on it before the end of this year, you hear me kryy? im working on it.

Jokes aside, i would like to thank everyone for the patience, i know it's been 1 year since my last upload, i really slacked off this year, i really have no excuses, I've been really going through some stuff (but it's good stuff, don't worry).

it seems age has finally caught up with me, as you Gen Z used to say...''bro fell off'' but this year is not done yet, i have much to show, so stay tuned.



Recent Game Medals

11,285 Points

Time to Celebrate! 5 Points

Load up the game while signed in to Newgrounds

plumer quest! 5 Points

start the game!

Welcome to the Lab! 5 Points

Open the game.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Spiders are waiting! 5 Points

Start to view a gallery bunch of spiders!

GG 5 Points

Congrats u played :]

Welcome to the Museum! 25 Points

Enter the museum

Let the Madness Ensue 5 Points

I promise it's better than New Recruits

Yum Yum Pizza 5 Points

Play the game for the first time!

Iron Man 100 Points

Beat the game without getting any permanent upgrades

Latest Art


Latest Shared Creations

Open The Fuckin Door!

Added to pumpkins for Carve n' Share May 7, 2012.

Confident As Hell

Added to pumpkins for Carve n' Share May 7, 2012.