Gabe is short for Gabriel

Age 31, Male


Somewhere In Brazil

Joined on 8/21/07

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GabrielBarsch's News

Posted by GabrielBarsch - September 22nd, 2024

Guess who got defrozen For another Annual Madness Day Upload....yeah about that...

This one in particular i haven't done much on my end, instead i joined a bunch of collabs, i do believe this kind of interaction is crucial to strengthen bond with the community and also to deny rumors that i im unreachable by any means, im a human being like any other, if you DM me with a question or maybe with a collab invitation...maybe i might answer (no promises)

But fear not, i didn't came here empty handed, here are some of the works i helped with:


This is by far the collab with the best quality control i ever worked on, all people involved have put heart and soul in it and i do recommend it to watch every single second of it.

Madness Amalgamation Collab 3

it was a last minute invitation, and despite all internal complications i manage to brainstorm some ideas and muster what's left of my motivation to come up with something watchable.

The insane creativity of the Madness community (Madness Flashlight: Part 2)

back in 2021 2 Left Thumbs asked me for an interview regarding the madness community as a whole, and i happily answered, it feels heartwarming to see the community doing great after all these years with ups and downs.


this post will be updated for when each of the projects gets released

For Mid/Late Octob....i mean November:


I haven't come up with a title yet, this one was originally a collab entry that i started back 2020 but i got carried away by a caffeine overload and animated a full movie instead (total lenght of 5 minutes) the collab itself got shelved and reshelved over and over and the commitment of the members wasn't aligned, so i finally grew up a pair and decided to make this thing finally see the light of the day, it was too much of an effort to let it go to waste.

Hackerman Collab

this one got big names involved which i already worked in the past, and im most grateful to have been invited, thanks kokkare, the collab is set to be finished late this year

PROJECT Felony 2


Shadz64  Didn't gave me an exact release date but i hope it will come out soon, this collab's chaotic nature is almost resembling the Soldier Dispenser Collab in plot and in direction which it where my creative freedom trully shined, and im anxious to see it done.

ROZ 13

Kryy got me at gun point, so i better start working on it before the end of this year, you hear me kryy? im working on it.

Jokes aside, i would like to thank everyone for the patience, i know it's been 1 year since my last upload, i really slacked off this year, i really have no excuses, I've been really going through some stuff (but it's good stuff, don't worry).

it seems age has finally caught up with me, as you Gen Z used to say...''bro fell off'' but this year is not done yet, i have much to show, so stay tuned.




Posted by GabrielBarsch - September 27th, 2023

heyo folks, gabe here for another anual post showcasing what i worked on for this year

i hope im not too late for the party


i always wanted to animate a cute girl wielding a giant hammer, so i made this dream a reality

featuring Cymbouirne's OC


A classic fashioned madness collab, needless to say i got carried away at the making of my clip, which you can check down below

Also i'll be releasing this clip's sprites to the public in a couple of days, so stay tuned for the sprite pack patch


Kirxee had me at gun point, but still turned out great

thanks for the motivation, bud


An upcoming collab that i was fortunate enough to get invited, so i'll definitelly link it when it's out



Posted by GabrielBarsch - March 11th, 2023

After doing some cleaning on my hard drive I made the decision to make all of my sprites and customized assets available for the public to use. It would be foolish of me to be so overprotective over some outdated and underused sprites, so feel free to meddle with it however you guys please, all I ask is don't forget to credit it in your animations.

I'm only releasing sprites made and edited by Me, not the custom OC sprites that belong to other people that I usually feature in my videos such as: MadnessCrazy123, Randomes MarshallTrap, Aryf, Zapchon, Cymbourine and Darkminister to respect their privacy.

-Madness Streak 1-5 Sprites

-Madness Streak 6 Sprites

-The Mad Knight Sprites

-Random Animated Loops

-Gabe Full Sprites

-Custom Assets And Sprites

"Why am I doing this?" you may ask. "Have I gone completely nuts?"

Well...back in the days, when Krinkels uploaded his flash animations in .SWF format, people used to rip it and decompile each and every single one of the sprites like scavengers in a junkyard.

The thrill of using the assets from the newest Krinkels animation was truly indescribable, that goes for any other animator with unique sprite artstyle too.

Since the introduction of Swivel in 2013, most submissions on Newgrounds started to be uploaded in .MP4 format instead of .SWF putting an end to this era.

So nowadays people tries to recreate his spritework from scratch or idk how they do it TBH...

This has been a very requested thing in my video's comments for the past 6 years.

I'll be making the sprites from each upload of mine available shortly after 1 week or month, I really wish to contribute for the community in a more creative manner instead of only inspirational.

I'll keep the sprite packs updated for each new addition, i'll probably write a changelog in it too but I'm still considering it.

I also gathered some old collab clips that i rather hide it forever but decided to make them see the light of the day once again in my newest collab clip compilation, if you haven't seen it i recommend it, also give the other two volumes some watch too:

VOL. 3

VOL. 2

VOL. 1

I want to apologize in advance for my lack of communication here on Newgrounds, i'll be 30 years old soon and the adult life eventually takes its toll, so i don't have so much free time and energy as i used to..cof..cof... but i'll still manage to bring something for the big day as i always do

on the side note i want to thank you guys for almost reaching 30k followers on Twitter,10k fans on Newgrounds and almost half-a-million subs on Youtube, it mean alot

Future Plans: I still got some clips from cancelled collabs that i shelved back in 2020 but i intend to put it all together in a big thing, it would be a shame to let such effort go to waste, the total lenght is around 5 minutes so expect crazyness

Hopefully i'll get it all done before Madness Day this year

im also brewing some ideas for a short 3 minute animation featuring someone's oc, but i want to make it a surprise, so stay tuned


Posted by GabrielBarsch - September 22nd, 2022

Tis the season once more, i hope yall enjoy my only single indivitual entry this year, not counting the spam/meme i posted earlier

Zapchon Tries Energy Drink

the whole thing was fever dream, literally

i might as well post something along the rest of this year, something big...stay tuned and enjoy the holiday


Posted by GabrielBarsch - September 22nd, 2021

Happy Madness Day to all, newcomers and veterans alike

This year has been insane... the amount of entries, 3 PAGES, we haven't 3 pages since 2008

Madness made a HUGE comeback this year thanks to ''Friday Night Funkin'' and of course i couldn't miss it

I hope im not too late to the party

I finally managed to pull this off, it's been since 2016 that i last uploaded a ''DECENT'' and ''SOLO'' Madness Day entry with long lenght (memes not included), ''the mad knight'' wasn't exactly a madness day entry, so it doesn't count

hopefully it will worth the wait

Madness Vandalization

Here are some of my contributions for the holiday:

Zapchon gave me the chance to participate with a small thing on his collab, go check it out

Madness CringeHank: The 7 Devices

back in Mid 2021 i joined a trend called ''Madness Duels'' where 2 animatos co-op to come up with some cool fighting sequences between their characters

Madness Duels: RELOADED

That's it for now folks.


Posted by GabrielBarsch - September 22nd, 2020

sadly, i don't have anything of my own due to a massive produtivity block this year.

but i made a short contribution on ''Deimos is Dead'' it's not much but it's enough to make you smile a bit

also my old fella ''aryf'' made a fantastic fan animation featuring my yellow OC and his shenanigans with coffee, i definitelly recommend to check it out


Posted by GabrielBarsch - October 28th, 2019

This was originally intended for ''Madness Day 2019'' but I decided to postpone to make some adjustments

Also on youtube:

I want to apologize in advance for my lack of communication here, im still alive and kicking, but im more active on Twitter and Youtube, im also published a Facebook fan page, go check it


Posted by GabrielBarsch - September 25th, 2019

The pearl of this year's madness day has finally arrived

WhiteHank 0 Collab is finally out:

Also on youtube:

in the next few weeks i'll bring some updates about new videos and stuff.


Posted by GabrielBarsch - January 8th, 2019




Posted by GabrielBarsch - October 3rd, 2017

So yeah, i decided to come out from my abyssal pit to say hi to the world

also make sure to check my Madness Day 2017 Entry this year, i know its too short for a longass hiatus, i will explain everything

 And the collab i did with Spazers and the mad BOIS

sorry for being so innative lately, but my college is just breaking my balls at the moment, and all the free time i got i spent playing DOTA 2 with ''FRIENDS'' and watching dank memes on the internet, i just hope you guys understand but my interest of animating madness had been drastically decreased, so im planning my official retirement from madness after MADNESS DAY 2018, so i have HUGE plans for this date

it is time to move on and make something different, its been like 10 years since i first uploaded my very first submittion here on Newgrounds, time sure flies

So my current work by now is to finish that goddamn over-postponed Medieval Madness Cartoon i've been delaying for like 4 years, i know i said it before, but this time its official


I also have other plans like some shorts, memes and solo cartoons starring my OC, but for now, my main priority is the medieval thing


Also a OC redesign, thanks to jackson-siegel for the sprites, and NO you CAN'T have them


Thats it for now
