Not really, but im starting a new collab called... well im not sure the name, something to do with turn metal into gold, this collab will be submitted on the next madness day, i know it´s way too long until the next madness day, cuz i need... we need to make this collab the most awesome as possible, and longer.
7isunlucky, Kingapple, delamortes, nuttro, kittykittycat100 and hippiehater is always welcome to join, if anyone else want to join, post a comment or send me a PM with a preview of your kind of animation to i aprove you
Also i´ve made a sprite sheet with the madness 5.5 Preview sprites, make good use and credit me if you want: ess%205.5%20Preview%20Sprites.fla
collab rules
no pornograpy
no non-madness animations
no crappy beginner tests
size: 450 X 325 (Preferencial and not the default)
Frame Rate: 28 (Optional)
Background: Black
Parts Limit: 3
Parts Running time: above 10
only really funny Madness jokes allowed
Comics allowed too: limit: 3
Collab Members limit: 10
Important to add me on flash portal buddies if you want to be credited
don´t forget to write your name in your collab part to you be credited
it´s important to write a message for the collab, it will appear on the bios page with your informations and etc...
First dead line: 1st of dezember
Collab members and his animation and comics
1: Gabriel Barsch; animations: 2; comics: 3
2: Delamortes;___ animations: 3; comics: 3 (added on flash portal buddies) (Done !)
3: Clothor________animations: 1; comics: 1 (added on flash portal buddies)
4: Zmatrix________animations: 1; comics 2 (added on flash portal buddies)
5: Kingapple______animations: 1; comics 1 (added on flash portal buddies)
6: MisterK2_______animations: 1; comics 1 (waiting)
7: Empty
8: Empty
9: Empty
10: Empty
Some people who need to improve and soon will be removed to another collab of mine
1: Dunso;________animations: 1; comics: 1 (added on flash portal buddies)
2: Erja____________animations: 2; comics 0 (added on flash portal buddies)
3: Jokutusta______animations: 0; comics: 1 (waiting)
4: Ssonic1020_____animations: 2; comics 0 (added on flash portal buddies)
5: Spaderz_______ animations: 0; comics 1 (added on flash portal buddies)
6: Crazymonkey154 animations 1;comics 0 (added on flash portal buddies)
7: Empty
8: Empty
9: Empty
10: Empty
Animations: 15
Comics: 14
Collab Progress: 36%
Im awaiting for you
Edit 1: I will be out until 20th november cuz it´s the final days on school and i need to pass, well, you guys can make your parts for awhile, more upgrades day 20th
Edit 2: Glad do be back today, what ??? madness 5.5 is finished yay !!!
Edit 3: Screenshot !!!
Edit 4: Another spoiler with a zombie A.T.P.
Edit 5: dead line extended to 20 of february