It does not matter, I know that you can do nice things, even if they are short.
Não importa, eu sei que você pode fazer coisas boas, mesmo que sejam curtas.
Gabe is short for Gabriel
Age 31, Male
Somewhere In Brazil
Joined on 8/21/07
It does not matter, I know that you can do nice things, even if they are short.
Não importa, eu sei que você pode fazer coisas boas, mesmo que sejam curtas.
mesmo? entao ta ne...
vc n me arranjou uma key...
eu ate jogaria, + tu e o adriano vao me trolla
pod ter certeza nisso...ond vc for, eu e ele vamo tar la pra te trolar...aproposito vo fazer tirinhas em sua homenagem...hehee...he
n vm te trollar por jogar o jogo vm mais te trollar pq vc n vai saber joga-lo
e por ser um gordo anti social
Lol? You got school right now!? Omg, this is weird for me :C
okai :3
womfa 4 how much frames?
Above 3000
Well gabriel have you tried Dead frontier 3D?
its completely free so i guess u can try it.
check my profile out for the gameplay video. it rocks.
yes...freakin scary
ive still got one month of vacations... so ill waste it all playing LoL
damn lost a bit of my respect... lol is bad, hon is even worse, dota is coooooool
Im stuck in Team Fortress 2, damn pyro update.
ahahah, i like soldier, he had funny lines
how old-fashioned...
I have vacation until September x), but dont worry, you will have summer holidays in 3 months or something, im wrong?
How the hell i suppose to know, i know nothing about spanish holidays
i agree about HoN, im playing LoL, and havent played Dota yet, its maybe good game, i dont know, so i wont judge it, anyway, what u dont like on LoL ?
cuz its not dota
douwta iz awsowme, mawh feivouwreite heerowes rr huskawr n shrewdewr!!11 wgwgyehdgiirwjo111122 i love cocks
Wtf ? your vacation is already finished ?
lol it's was short :o
no, in fact it was 30 days of pure laziness
...also i will pm you about our secret project soon, in 5 days
visage, Io, e rubick.
o rubick é novidade pra mim...
visage, wisp, e rubick
o rubick parece um alien do ben 10 ne? sem falar q ele parece q fala de dentro dum balde, as falas dele sao massas
se ligou q o viadin do t"xrandomkill" voltou?
tipo assim do nada! XD
I don't go to school yet.. but I do go to Summer Band Practice for Band 'n such... Trombones man.. trombones.
<a href=""> 44616</a>
about bloody time
<a href=""></a>
Oh, okay. Beats sweating it out on an animation or outside - everyone needs a fun recharge :3
GabrielBarsch (Updated )
thanks for understand